Title: A Life Robbed A snippet from my life, altered the ending part though. Synopsis: A person reads the newspaper article of a death he witnessed. The article states that an unidentified dead body by the side road extension of a playground has been found. The actual situation is being portrayed in the film in 2 person perceptive, one of the victim himself and the second of the witness. The plot is inspired from the real life of the writer. Treatment: Ryan is a calm person who just involves in his day-to-day activities. One day, after visiting to his friends’, Ryan was returning back to his apartment. He was walking through a narrow unused uninhabited shortcut road playing music on his phon...
Some random topics that I select will be posted here... Categories can be any such as stories or lines that I wrote, reviews about any movies or books that I took interest in, my experiences, few research notes on great personalities and theories of my interest.