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"Mystic Sun" - A Dream Project.

Mystic Sun

“Memories can be both dazzling and devastating; but both give us lessons that can be laughed at later on as the path lines of our lives. They are the most valuable, of all the captured frames, by our soul. Tracing them at times, make us pass through the paths once taken, and show us even our minute mistakes so that our path can be corrected later on.”

Remembering his on wordings, the old man retraces a few steps to have a closer look on the by gone path of his life, as the road beyond is full dark as he consumes but at an end with a small dim beam of light.
The first trace of memory that lit up his vacuum was from his childhood, the day first he stood on stage for a play.

“Adithya, Adithya… come on out, it is time for us to leave…”
Knock… Knock… After the knocking sound on his door.
A child of 9 rushes out of his room, shutting the door behind, running to his mother saying, “Mommy I don’t want to I’m feeling scared… uh!!!…”
His mother grabs him and hugs him saying,”Adhi, one should never allow his fears to win over his will. You had the will to be on stage and play the act till few minutes back, otherwise why would have you dressed for the play. Your stage fear is taking over your will. Don’t let that happen Adhi.”
“Uhm, but mummy what if I don’t perform well. Everyone will laugh at me.”
“No, my child you will do great. I have confidence. Moreover you are showing up for a role and not sitting back in your chair, losing a chance to show up your talent. That’s more wonderful. ”
“Are you sure mummy!!!”
His mother gives a kiss to his forehead and smilingly replies, “No matter what happens, I will be by your side, Adhi. And you will start to overcome your fear for stage. I promise.” Taking his hand they move out of the house to driveway.

The old man keeps a step further to the darkness, in a motivated manner, trying to neglect his fear of darkness, to the distant dim beam of light. As he takes another step forward towards the light, he hears another female familiar sound calling out,”Adhi….” He immediately recognizes the sound to be of his beloved wife and suddenly with an emotional breakdown falls down to his knees and as he closes his eyelids another fragment of memory that lits around him is of the day when he lost his mother.
He is feeling so weak and disturbed when he learns that his mother died and is weeping at the edge of her bed kneeling when his wife comes forth to him saying, “Dear it is ok. I know she meant so much to you. You will do well, I’m there. I will help you as she did. You know that.” And she pats him on his shoulder. Nodding his head he rises from bed, looking to her side.

As he opens his eyelids, he realises he is in a blacked out dark pathway with a small luminescent even further than it was at first. His fear of darkness takes over again and he kneels down to the floor in an emotional breakdown, closing his eyes and weeping over.
It is then he felt a hand on his shoulder, that started to shake him, and he hears a small faint voice calling, “Daddy, Daddy ….”

As his eyelids open, he realises he was in his bedroom, lying back in his grandma chair and he recognised the voice to be of his son, Ryan. Ryan waking him up was saying, ”Daddy it is time for us to leave for the cremation rituals of mom and not to worry of anything that they together will work out any issues.”
It is then that he understood that the far away luminescent was none other than his own son, Ryan.

                                                                                              --- END ---


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